REVIEW: Mind Trek: Exploring Consciousness, Time, and Space Through Remote Viewing

Mind Trek: Exploring Consciousness, Time, and Space Through Remote Viewing by Joseph McMoneagle

McMoneagle's book Mind Trek is an amazing book on remote viewing (attested to by my copy having tons of highlighted sections and dog-eared pages). In the first several chapters he talks about his NDEs (Near Death Experiences) and how that lead to Remote Viewing.

From there, chapters covers things like: altering perceptions about reality; different stages of RV; how RVers "see" the information and what kind of information comes through; best types of targets to select; early testing and examples; and lots of other fascinating stuff. The book covers a wide range of different aspects of RV, all tightly focused on McMoneagle's experiences with RV, and its life altering affects.

What really makes this a wonderful book on Remote Viewing is his coverage of some very heavy topics: like how doing RV tends to make you question your religious/spiritual beliefs; and what is reality (a question that comes up when you realize that you can access information anywhere - past, present and future - solely with your mind.) This is really deep stuff that I hadn't thought about in relation to RV until I read this book.

For example, in Chapter 11 - "Getting to I Know", McMoneagle talks about how he had suspended his disbeliefs in order to do remote viewing.

"...I had modified a sufficient number of personal realities or concepts, to unhinge my understanding of time/space, or at least the way I had been originally taught and understood it to work."

He says he needed to get from "I believe" to "I know" in order to construct a new way of viewing the world that he was now floundering around in. McMoneagle goes on to say he thinks its important for anyone who wants to learn RV to read some books on what reality might be and how it might be constructed.

"Concepts of how reality works are important to remote viewing because they have a direct bearing on where the information comes from and how it might be getting to a remote viewer. They also affect the allowances that might be made within the viewer's mind, the degree of temporary belief suspension, or how far a viewer is willing to go in order to accomplish psychic functioning."

I'm adding another rather long passage from that chapter here because I think it really sums up what a thought-provoking book this is if you are thinking about doing remote viewing and what kinds of mind bending beliefs you might encounter in the process:

"Information passes from the past to the present and from the future to the present. Over the years, through the remote viewing experience, I have come to know this as truth. Quantum waves do travel in both directions through time. Therefore, in the fullest sense of the word, existence becomes a sum of all information. Like a great sea with far-reaching shores. Its' a place where all possibilities exist simultaneously. There is no past, no present, and no future - there just is."

(Don't let the "quantum waves" thing scare you off, its not a book on physics.) I love books that make me rethink my own beliefs about reality. And this is such a book.

In chapter 16 - "Another World", McMoneagle talks about how there are NO LIMITS to what can be viewed via RV. He then includes a dialogue from an RV session he did that absolutely blew my mind. I'd tell you more but you might want to read it yourself without knowing what the target is. All I can say is WOW, WOW, WOW. The book is worth getting just for that chapter alone.

An amazing book, one you must have for your library if you are interested in Remote Viewing, physic phenomenon, and other things we currently refer to as "paranormal".


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